Museum, Rottnest Island, Zoo
Thursday we debated between going to the museum and going to the zoo. The weather seemed clear enough, so we decided on the zoo. We got about two blocks before it started to feel cold and rainy, so we changed our minds and went to the museum. The weather for the rest of the day was perfect. The zoo didn't have a lot of "things." It went more to descriptions, pictures, education. It did have a blue whale skeleton, some dinosaur skeletons, some mineral displays. What it did have was meteorites, tektites, and stromatolites! Yay! Some of the meteorites on display Tektites! On pins! Stromatolites I didn't take a picture of the biggest meteorite there, but I did get a pic of a rock from the Permian Extinction. Lots of wiggly things! Permian creatures Iron layers in the ocean A nice little room for relaxing in N Leaving the museum Nothing in particular to do with the museum, but this next picture is between the buildings there. It's a"grass tree," a unique an...