Some photos

We took a walk towards King's Park today. We didn't get there. We took a wrong turn and had to double back, and the weather has been very Seattle-ish. We turned around and got back to the hotel just as it was starting to really dump.

Today was Anzac Day, their version of Memorial Day for Australia and New Zealand. Practically everything was closed. There was a parade in the morning, which we skipped. We ate in our rooms.

Paula is hopefully nearing the end of her bad cold. We bought some expectorant which, in addition to having guaifenesin, has some other expectorant which is unknown in the US but apparently common here and in Europe. After some online research, she decided it was safe for her to take.

I did some programming, with help from Beck (thank you!) to get a program installed and working, and we both took some serious naps.

Most of the pictures below are from yesterday, some from today.

Types of bananas

Last store of this type in Australia

Information booth

Air conditioning unit in bookstore

Good breakfast/lunch place

Nope, nothing in that pocket either

My eggs benedict with smoked salmon and Paula's nasi goreng

It's a plant -- of some kind

It's not a plant


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